The potential for using cannabis to treat macular degeneration is fascinating – particularly when legitimate research studies are showing how exactly it might target the disease – but you should always check with a doctor before dosing yourself with CBD Oil for Anxiety, Some forms of medical cannabis have been studied to treat eye conditions, particularly glaucoma, but new studies show CBD is not an effective treatment for eyes. So how can cbd oil help macular degeneration?

Although there are plenty of valued CBD products such as the CBD oil tinctures and edibles sold by retailers like the ones at canadacannabisdispensary, there are very few medical studies about the efficacy of CBD or medical marijuana, though the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has information about potential beneficial uses of this treatment approach. Between studies and practice, no CBD treatments are currently recommended for eyes specifically.

In a 2004 study in the UK, researchers looked at the anti-oxidant properties of cannabinoids such as CBD, and how these properties may have effects on eye health. Researchers in a 2006 study learned that CBD treatment significantly reduced oxidative stress and prevented the death of retinal cells in diabetic rats. Several studies suggest that CBD can decrease cell death and oxidative stress in the retinas of animals, conditions which occur in AMD. Doctor Monika Wassermann, Loxa Beauty fitness, health & lifestyle writer, cites research from 2003, which showed that CBD reduced cell death in retinas of rats that were treated with a substance that replicates the effects of glaucoma.

Studies found CBD reduced cell death in the retina and decreased inflammation of the retina in rats. Another 2008 study showed that CBD blocks the damage caused by Diabetes- and endotoxin-induced retinal damage, including macular degeneration, as well as other diseases like glaucoma. Meanwhile, other studies have shown cannabis can block diabetes- and endotoxin-induced retinal damage, as well as decrease the inflammatory-causing proteins called cytokines, which thicken the retina. In a 2004 study on brain tumors, researchers found that cannabinoids blocked and inhibited the pathways for VEGF to travel throughout the body, showing amazing promise for cannabis as a treatment for macular degeneration.

Since the discovery of the endocannabinoid receptors in the eyes, researchers speculated that the topical application of medicinal cannabis could be equally effective at relieving pressure around the eyes. A study published in Pharmacology and Therapeutics suggests that THC helps to reduce intraocular pressure, possibly preventing vision loss (6). Meanwhile, CBD has an anti-THC effect on the eyes, which may prevent it from lowering intraocular pressure (IOP). Studies have shown that CBD specifically can increase IOP, whereas THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), a chemical in marijuana associated with drug abuse and getting high from cannabis, is responsible for decreasing IOP.

Most medical studies show that CBD, found in products available on online platforms like Olio Lusso, does not make you as high as THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), but taking a medical cannabis marketplace as an example, high CBD could mean there are trace amounts of THC included in the substance. Part of CBDs (cannabidiol) popularity is because it does not make you high, though some CBD products contain tiny amounts of its psychoactive cousin, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). CBD has a number of supposed benefits, like helping to relieve pain, stress, and even symptoms related to cancer. Cannabidiol (CBD) has been shown to have antidepressant qualities and may alleviate many symptoms of depression and anxiety.